#1706 new defect

The "Report!" button in the "Report an Incident" form field redirects to a misleading/incomplete message

Reported by: zancas Owned by: zancas
Priority: normal Milestone: undecided
Component: code-frontend-web Version: 1.9.1
Keywords: WUI incident gatherer UX UI report Cc:
Launchpad Bug:

Description (last modified by warner)

The "report_incident" page that is served as a redirection should say:

"Thank you for your report! It was stored as <incidentid>.flog.bz2 in <HOSTID><BASEDIR>/logs/incidents. This node has/has not registered with an incident gatherer." If it has:

"Incident gatherer <incident gatherer name>:"

  • has been contacted
  • has gathered the incident

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed at 2014-09-11T22:22:06Z by warner

  • Component changed from unknown to code-frontend-web
  • Description modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed at 2016-02-01T19:16:22Z by leif

#1974 was mostly a duplicate of this, and was fixed in 30924a506ced5c1f06e034b4f1482217746255ca but I didn't see this ticket until now so I didn't implement the incident gatherer part and I didn't include the filename of the report in the message.

Hopefully an incident report is actually saved to disk even if an incident gatherer is configured? If not, the current message is still incorrect/misleading in the case that an incident gatherer is configured (it says "An incident report has been saved to logs/incidents/ in the node directory").

comment:3 Changed at 2016-02-01T19:21:54Z by warner

Incident reports are always written to disk. The gatherer is secondary/supplemental.

We probably don't want to reveal too much about the incident gatherer (like it's IP address), other than it's existence, from the unauthenticated welcome page. Unfortunately I don't think we have a useful "name" for the gatherer anywhere.

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