Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (201 - 230 of 230)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#2555 publish-and-subscribe to change events on mutables new daira defect normal undecided
#49 UPnP new enhancement minor undecided
#57 logging: compress/truncate/encode/decode/format for human readability and privacy new warner enhancement minor undecided
#107 command-line: progress indicators assigned zooko enhancement minor eventually
#112 command-line: give it default values for the final element of the pathname assigned zooko enhancement minor eventually
#114 command-line: multiple files at once assigned zooko enhancement minor undecided
#215 maybe remove "string containing slash-separated names" APIs new somebody enhancement minor undecided
#236 measure the effect of a more memory-local zfec variant on a webapi server new zooko enhancement minor undecided
#275 need more reliable way to determine when introducer is ready when started from a script (than polling for creation of introducer.furl) new somebody defect minor undecided
#525 include platform of each remote peer in the welcome page's known-servers table reopened enhancement minor undecided
#560 use validation metadata from other servers to validate this server's data? new enhancement minor undecided
#765 duplication of version and nickname-and-nodeid code in the wui new enhancement minor undecided
#813 string exception raised to web renderer? new somebody defect minor undecided
#816 Add ping-all-servers button to welcome page new enhancement minor eventually
#1052 "tahoe backup": report EnvironmentError more precisely assigned davidsarah defect minor soon
#1078 timestamps: localizable format and timezone new somebody defect minor eventually
#1091 give clearer names to the "create a directory" buttons assigned Lcstyle enhancement minor soon
#1092 shares.happy is the wrong name of the measure new warner defect minor soon
#1101 some CLI commands accept "--verbose", other don't new defect minor undecided
#1133 don't claim to provide better semantics of timestamps than Python claims to provide new somebody defect minor undecided
#1236 contribute to programmers outside of the Tahoe-LAFS project new somebody enhancement minor undecided
#1342 rename tests of packaging and improve them to avoid spurious system-dependent test failures assigned davidsarah enhancement minor soon
#1443 use exocet instead of the builtin Python module loader new somebody enhancement minor undecided
#1461 stop writing small shares in old V1 share format new zancas enhancement minor soon
#1482 change the hostname in the version strings from new somebody defect minor undecided
#1516 don't catch and ignore EnvironmentError when trying to get disk stats assigned davidsarah defect minor soon
#1774 exception in twistd.log from web parser new defect minor undecided
#1782 move docs/proposed to the wiki assigned blaisep enhancement minor soon
#1820 standard host metadata new enhancement minor undecided
#1968 always use assertutil for assertions new defect minor undecided
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