Custom Query (205 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 205)

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Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#755 Allow deep-check to continue after error, and: if there is an unrecoverable subdirectory, the deep-check report (both WUI and CLI) loses other information usability error tahoe-check wui verify repair new daira defect critical
#943 "tahoe mv" deleted my files? tahoe-mv usability preservation sftp ftpd new daira defect critical
#126 add "Invite a Friend" button usability new enhancement major
#182 build a .pkg installer for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks (intel-x86-64) mac usability install openitp-packaging new zooko enhancement major
#203 add deep-copy function to web API usability performance webdav new enhancement major
#277 make the wui show the underlying LAFS model -- one WUI page per link in LAFS newurls wui usability new zooko enhancement major
#288 resumption of interrupted downloads download partial usability random-access new warner enhancement major
#471 servermap update chart doesn't fit wui usability new defect major
#488 Thunderbird plugin usability new enhancement major
#544 'tahoe check' / 'tahoe deep-check' CLI should have prettier output tahoe-check repair usability assigned francois enhancement major
#554 some directory targets in wapi/wui require trailing slashes usability easy docs assigned davidsarah defect major
#568 make immutable check/verify/repair and mutable check/verify work given only a verify cap confidentiality verify repair usability tahoe-check wui anti-censorship excess-authority new daira defect major
#579 report corrupted shares error usability preservation download repair anti-censorship new defect major
#595 get the immutable file hash of a file without uploading it performance usability new somebody enhancement major
#597 add 'tahoe mirror' command, use backupdb usability backup new enhancement major
#622 add a 'repair' button on the webapi checker results page repair verify easy usability wui assigned Lcstyle enhancement major
#625 Can't repair read-only dirnodes/mutable-files confidentiality integrity preservation verify repair newcaps tahoe-backup usability anti-censorship excess-authority assigned warner defect major
#631 trailing spaces in filenames break the WUI rename function wui usability names new defect major
#635 'tahoe make-tarball' command backup metadata symlink usability security new enhancement major
#643 Automatically schedule repair process (and backups?) repair availability preservation usability scheduling tahoe-backup new somebody enhancement major
#655 tahoewapi demo tree-view.html always recurses to ro_uri in children. wui usability new nejucomo defect major
#658 "tahoe cp" should avoid full upload/download when the destination already exists (using backupdb and/or plaintext hashes) backupdb tahoe-cp usability newcaps performance new enhancement major
#671 bring back sizelimit (i.e. max consumed, not min free) usability statistics sftp docs new markberger defect major
#687 too many "false alarms" in incident reporting error logging usability foolscap new somebody defect major
#719 Making requests too soon after startup can fail download upload check repair usability error wui availability reliability new defect major
#725 We should whine if we're running as root. easy security usability unix test-needed assigned davidsarah enhancement major
#766 repair results Summary field says "Unhealthy" even though it is healthy after the repair, if it was unhealthy before easy usability error verify repair assigned davidsarah defect major
#777 Facility to automatically renew leases of root caps leases alias usability preservation repair new enhancement major
#794 create DSA writecaps from a passphrase newcaps newurls usability confidentiality integrity new enhancement major
#825 Cannot use WUI to upload a file with a name different to its name in the local filesystem usability new enhancement major
#826 Rename action in WUI has no confirmation for clobbering another entry usability docs new defect major
#827 Put file download links ('?save=true') in WUI directory listings security usability capleak docs download easy assigned davidsarah defect major
#835 "tahoe cp -r --mutable/--immutable": make mutable copy of immutable directories or vice versa usability tahoe-cp new enhancement major
#840 Allow all CLI commands to take arguments from stdin or a file, to avoid caps being visible to other local users security confidentiality integrity usability new enhancement major
#851 tahoe backup exclude option only matches on filename instead of path tahoe-backup usability new enhancement major
#855 Make tahoe webopen without arguments show the tahoe: alias, if there is one wui usability tahoe-webopen new enhancement major
#863 unlink file with empty name through the CLI usability cli names easy assigned davidsarah defect major
#882 Tahoe URIs and gateway URLs are too long and ugly usability newurls new nobody defect major
#884 give nice error page when URL is mangled or from the future usability newurls forward-compatibility wui error assigned davidsarah defect major
#885 Ignore space or %20 in webapi URLs usability newurls assigned davidsarah defect major
#910 "tahoe mkdir" doesn't accept $CAP/path arguments? usability cli new defect major
#913 Support running a storage node per drive easily usability new nobody enhancement major
#914 tahoe backup gives a fatal BackupProcessingError if it sees a file, but the file is deleted before tahoe backs it up tahoe-backup usability error reliability new nobody defect major
#915 the timers used by tahoe backup to trigger repair for unhealthy files should be configurable tahoe-backup preservation usability new defect major
#942 automatically url-unquote caps in CLI and WUI usability newurls cli wui assigned davidsarah defect major
#944 "tahoe mv" doesn't accept just a path as the second argument? tahoe-mv usability error new defect major
#951 uploads aren't cancelled by closing the web page usability upload large wui ophandle assigned zooko defect major
#960 integrate Tahoe-LAFS into GVFS usability gvfs new enhancement major
#963 configure default installation of tahoe to point at a working grid install testgrid usability new somebody enhancement major
#995 It's way too easy to give away write directory caps wui jsui usability confidentiality capleak websec new nobody defect major
#1003 add-lease may fail to mark a node if the path by which it is reachable changes during marking leases gc preservation usability docs new somebody defect major
#1018 backup manager task (inside the node) backup performance usability new enhancement major
#1029 download a subtree as an archive usability docs test performance unicode i18n new enhancement major
#1047 Upload failures should report useful HTTP status lines error http usability transparency new nobody enhancement major
#1071 "No JSON object could be decoded" backtrace on tahoe mv tahoe-mv usability error easy assigned davidsarah defect major
#1077 consistent timestamp format and timezone time usability logging assigned zooko defect major
#1102 "tahoe ls $DIRCAP:" gives an unhelpful error message usability new defect major
#1103 "tahoe cp -r" gives unhelpful error message when you append a ':" to the dircap as arg usability error easy new defect major
#1112 error message for corrupted caps to {{{tahoe ls}}} is unclear tahoe-ls usability newurls error new defect major
#1116 clarify difference between full and read-only servers in servers-of-happiness failure message easy unfinished-business usability error servers-of-happiness upload new daira defect major
#1169 update documentation for the download status page doc immutable download wui usability easy new warner defect major
#1217 useless error message when I use wrong syntax for a path in CLI commands, e.g. "tahoe cp" usability error assigned davidsarah defect major
#1234 UnrecoverableFileError message should say which file it refers to error usability capleak assigned davidsarah defect major
#1265 New Visualizer is insufficiently labelled/documented (plus layout problem) documentation usability visualization transparency download assigned zooko defect major
#1293 servers-of-happiness is too conservative when K = 1 servers-of-happiness usability availability unfinished-business assigned davidsarah defect major
#1299 make 'tahoe debug dump-cap' print attenuated versions of the cap, and give it a better command name tahoe-debug usability new defect major
#1300 turn on garbage collection by default, offer obvious deep-repair-lease, warn about unset config leases repair usability defaults new nobody enhancement major
#1310 separate "gateway state directory" from "client state directory" usability reopened warner defect major
#1352 zsh (and maybe other shells) completion shell completion usability performance new enhancement major
#1356 SFTP and FTP: allow logging in with an arbitrary cap URI as root directory sftp sshfs usability test-needed assigned davidsarah enhancement major
#1368 make the added convergence secret be a per-file configuration defaults usability confidentiality convergence new nobody defect major
#1373 'tahoe cp' should not make links to existing immutable files when the encoding parameters have changed tahoe-cp preservation availability rebalancing usability new defect major
#1376 make user-oriented error message for absence of node.url cli usability tahoe-* doc error new defect major
#1434 DYHB requests misrendered in download visualization aesthetics usability transparency download wui statistics performance unfinished-business new warner defect major
#1462 add legend to Recent Uploads and Downloads page, explain LIT upload download usability statistics wui easy docs new T_X defect major
#1485 web-API: POSTs and GETs should be to distinct URLs newurls http usability webapi standards assigned davidsarah defect major
#1499 when you create a mutable file in the WUI you should get a nice user interface page back usability wui mutable new enhancement major
#1502 WUI: make type field more regular, and show SDMF vs MDMF wui usability mdmf new defect major
#1511 confusing error message from 'tahoe backup' when source directory doesn't exist error usability tahoe-backup new defect major
#1524 twistd can fail when checking whether a is stale twistd reliability usability tahoe-start unix assigned davidsarah defect major
#1550 new/alternate download visualizer documentation usability visualization transparency download new drewp enhancement major
#1551 WUI: the Upload results page should have both view and download links usability wui new defect major
#1588 I want to trigger backups through the WUI. backup wui usability new enhancement major
#1596 more specific error message for the case where too few servers are connected error usability servers-of-happiness new somebody defect major
#1647 errors should include a timestamp and/or request ID so that they can be correlated with server logs error time usability wui cli assigned davidsarah defect major
#1649 WUI: the error message page for a writeable file/directory nonobviously includes the write cap usability security capleak websec assigned davidsarah defect major
#1684 duplicate settings in tahoe.cfg should produce an error error config usability backward-compatibility new defect major
#1797 WUI: view content in an HTML5 sandboxed iframe wui security usability javascript sandbox same-origin websec new defect major
#2202 ERROR: UnrecoverableFileError(no recoverable versions) transparency usability erasure-coding new daira defect major
#2336 using two copies of the same node directory fails badly usability foolscap new defect major
#2409 tolerate simultaneous uploads better upload usability performance immutable reliability new defect major
#573 Allow client to control which storage servers receive shares extensibility usability assigned daira enhancement normal
#1203 /storage is insufficiently verbose when no crawl running leases wui usability new nobody defect normal
#1285 SFTP: put an approximation of grid capacity and available space in the 'df' output usability statistics sftp ostrom new defect normal
#1340 consider share-at-a-time uploader upload usability performance memory availability preservation new enhancement normal
#1375 the performance stats for each upload or download are undiscoverable usability docs easy performance ostrom upload download statistics wui new tarcieri defect normal
#1378 per-server timings of immutable uploads usability transparency upload wui new somebody defect normal
#1478 'tahoe create-introducer' should create introducer.furl immediately tahoe-create-introducer usability easy assigned daira enhancement normal
#1492 introducer status page is ugly usability wui aesthetics unfinished-business new defect normal
#1498 provide more automated setup assistant usability configuration new somebody enhancement normal
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