Custom Query (29 matches)


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Ticket Summary Version Status Owner Type Priority
#777 Facility to automatically renew leases of root caps 1.6.1 new enhancement major
#897 "tahoe backup" thinks "ctime" means "creation time" 1.6.1 new warner defect major
#963 configure default installation of tahoe to point at a working grid 1.6.1 new somebody enhancement major
#1003 add-lease may fail to mark a node if the path by which it is reachable changes during marking 1.6.1 new somebody defect major
#1004 how to fix 'multiple versions are recoverable'? 1.6.1 new nobody defect major
#1008 Unhandled error conditions disclose detailed information 1.6.1 new defect major
#1011 secure decentralized blog 1.6.1 new somebody enhancement major
#1018 backup manager task (inside the node) 1.6.1 new enhancement major
#1021 report all exceptions 1.6.1 new warner defect major
#1023 Cloud App: Music player 1.6.1 new davidsarah task major
#1024 introductory docs are confusing and off-putting 1.6.1 new YashNRam defect major
#1029 download a subtree as an archive 1.6.1 new enhancement major
#1035 add API to atomically set a child URI and return both the new child and its metadata 1.6.1 new enhancement major
#1041 Timeout error when uploading a file with some SFTP clients, e.g. WinSCP 1.6.1 assigned davidsarah defect major
#1042 KeyError exception seen in log when doing a mutable publish on the pubgrid 1.6.1 new defect major
#1044 short-circuit checker/verifier behavior 1.6.1 new defect major
#1046 add note to performance.txt about expected memory usage 1.6.1 new nobody enhancement major
#1047 Upload failures should report useful HTTP status lines 1.6.1 new nobody enhancement major
#1048 Expected exceptions should not include tracebacks 1.6.1 new enhancement major
#1049 gvfs-fuse doesn't work (completely) with the sftp interface 1.6.1 new davidsarah defect major
#1059 sshfs does not wait for an FX_CLOSE request to complete before reporting success from the close 1.6.1 new defect major
#1060 tests for SFTP via GIO Python binding 1.6.1 new defect major
#1061 SFTP directory listing doesn't show (or shows wrong mtime and size for) files that have been opened but not yet uploaded 1.6.1 assigned davidsarah defect major
#1071 "No JSON object could be decoded" backtrace on tahoe mv 1.6.1 assigned davidsarah defect major
#779 Package tahoe with ipkg technology for NAS devices 1.6.1 new somebody enhancement minor
#1007 HTTP proxy support for node to node communication 1.6.1 new davidsarah enhancement minor
#1032 Display active HTTP upload operations on the status page 1.6.1 new nobody enhancement minor
#1039 Keys with passphrases for SFTP 1.6.1 new nobody defect minor
#1052 "tahoe backup": report EnvironmentError more precisely 1.6.1 assigned davidsarah defect minor
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