Custom Query (67 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Component Status Owner Type Priority
#126 add "Invite a Friend" button code-network new enhancement major
#169 tcp hole-punching! code-network new ghazel enhancement major
#224 bandwidth throttling code-network new enhancement major
#235 scale up to many nodes code-network new enhancement major
#295 distributed authorization of access to nodes code-network new task major
#296 enforce timeout on DYHB queries? code-network new defect major
#344 more client-vs-server refactoring: servers-only shouldn't subscribe to storage announcements code-network new enhancement major
#444 reduce number of active connections: connect-on-demand code-network new enhancement major
#445 implement relay: allow storage servers behind NAT code-network new somebody enhancement major
#521 disconnect unresponsive servers (using foolscap's disconnectTimeout) code-network new warner defect major
#605 two-hour delay to connect to a grid from Win32, if there are many storage servers unreachable code-network assigned zooko defect major
#613 sometimes a helper hurts instead of helping (if you need to upload less than K shares) code-network new enhancement major
#782 connection lost during "tahoe backup" code-network new andrej defect major
#809 Measure how segment size affects upload/download speed. code-network new warner enhancement major
#868 use helper to bypass NAT/firewall code-network new defect major
#869 Allow Tahoe filesystem to be run over a different key-value-store / DHT implementation code-network new nobody enhancement major
#870 Prevent socket hijacking on OSes that don't prevent it by default (Windows) code-network assigned davidsarah defect major
#905 gather information about historical server performance code-network new enhancement major
#1109 let the get_buckets() response include the first block code-network new warner enhancement major
#1110 pipeline download blocks for better performance code-network new nobody enhancement major
#1138 Timeout of Servermap Update code-network new nobody defect major
#1179 use μTP code-network new enhancement major
#1180 put more DYHBs into flight at once when K is larger code-network new defect major
#1181 new-downloader requests too much data, builds up code-network new defect major
#1187 mitigate the performance bottleneck of slow servers in download code-network new defect major
#1264 Performance regression for large values of K code-network new francois defect major
#1367 tolerance for broken TCP connections due to incorrect/restrictive firewalls code-network new defect major
#1394 upload should not wait for all servers to respond code-network new kevan defect major
#1448 Storage node discovery via avahi code-network new alexs enhancement major
#2336 using two copies of the same node directory fails badly code-network new defect major
#2364 Clients in onion grid busy-wait if a storage node is unreachable code-network new defect major
#2887 Introducers sending duplicated announcements for upgraded nodes code-network new defect major
#50 ask a peer to tell you what your IP address is (similar to STUNT/ICE) code-network new enhancement normal
#1629 auto-configuration of tub.location for nodes running on EC2 code-network new enhancement normal
#1657 Sneakernet grid scenario code-network new nobody enhancement normal
#1794 upload failed -- "I/O operation on closed file" code-network new defect normal
#1823 is this server telling me over foolscap that its foolscap connection to me just broke? code-network new defect normal
#1832 support indefinite leases with garbage collection code-network new enhancement normal
#1933 announcement seqnums: respond to state-rollback code-network new enhancement normal
#1935 bad behavior when localhost is down code-network new warner defect normal
#1975 remove the last use of notifyOnDisconnect, in server selection code-network new defect normal
#1989 foolscap: "an inbound callRemote ... failed" log entries include all arguments code-network new warner defect normal
#2007 unhandled errors due to "bad connection hint '<IP address>' (hostname, but no port)" code-network new defect normal
#2009 One Grid to Rule Them All code-network new daira defect normal
#2073 Wrong ports are reported for connected nodes code-network new defect normal
#2085 Unit tests should work offline code-network new defect normal
#2152 have the introducer advertise the external IP it sees for a node to other nodes code-network new defect normal
#2252 Error reports should always give the IP and server id of a server which failed. code-network new nejucomo defect normal
#2267 exceptions.AttributeError: 'CHKUploadHelper' object has no attribute '_reader' code-network new defect normal
#2334 one slow server slows down all uploads that attempt to use it code-network assigned daira defect normal
#2335 clients shouldn't need to have persistent id code-network new enhancement normal
#2350 Persistent Introducer connections leak IP addresses even when idle code-network new enhancement normal
#2376 Don't use helper for local nodes, only remote ones code-network new enhancement normal
#2422 Multiple Helpers code-network new daira enhancement normal
#2424 Spreading servers code-network reopened daira enhancement normal
#2828 address remaining anonymity-violating linkages code-network new defect normal
#2832 Unsigned entries in an announcement cause later entries to be ignored code-network new defect normal
#2837 create-node --listen=tor hangs with tor- code-network new defect normal
#2875 Multiples storage servers can be registered with the same FURL (UncoordinatedWriteError on I2P grid) code-network new defect normal
#2916 grid-manager code-network new itamarst enhancement normal
#3457 The separate introducer servers represent unnecessary complexity in an overall Tahoe-LAFS deployment code-network new defect normal
#4073 each share for a file can have its own write enabler secret, but the wire protocol does not support more than one code-network new defect normal
#49 UPnP code-network new enhancement minor
#375 include "retry backoff limit" in introducer announcements? code-network new enhancement minor
#816 Add ping-all-servers button to welcome page code-network new enhancement minor
#896 log more info about Foolscap disconnections on storages nodes (to twistd.log) code-network assigned francois defect minor
#1007 HTTP proxy support for node to node communication code-network new davidsarah enhancement minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.