Custom Query (26 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Component Status Owner Type Priority
#917 Amazon S3 compatible frontend code-frontend new enhancement minor
#1414 tahoe get on DIR2 URIs fails with error message that is too terse code-frontend new daira defect minor
#2351 Create tahoe-lafs client using WebRTC for Dropbox like link sending code-frontend new enhancement minor
#1415 WUI is more useful than CLI code-frontend new defect normal
#1910 memory leak on 'tahoe get' code-frontend new T_X defect normal
#2010 Implement shortcuts to caps code-frontend new enhancement normal
#2036 accept trailing slashes on directory cap URIs code-frontend new defect normal
#2145 allow downloading ciphertext given a verify cap code-frontend new enhancement normal
#2198 make exception tracebacks easier to grok code-frontend new enhancement normal
#152 build "sharing slots" / use mutable files as primitives for sharing messages code-frontend new enhancement major
#488 Thunderbird plugin code-frontend new enhancement major
#719 Making requests too soon after startup can fail code-frontend new defect major
#777 Facility to automatically renew leases of root caps code-frontend new enhancement major
#935 zandr's FUSE/NAS idea code-frontend new enhancement major
#942 automatically url-unquote caps in CLI and WUI code-frontend assigned davidsarah defect major
#960 integrate Tahoe-LAFS into GVFS code-frontend new enhancement major
#1018 backup manager task (inside the node) code-frontend new enhancement major
#1252 use different encoding parameters for dirnodes than for files code-frontend assigned davidsarah defect major
#1361 revive the Windows Virtual Drive using open source filesystem library code-frontend new enhancement major
#1368 make the added convergence secret be a per-file configuration code-frontend new nobody defect major
#1447 add read-only mode for gateways code-frontend new zooko enhancement major
#1495 test forks of MacFUSE for use with sshfs on OS X Lion code-frontend new tarcieri task major
#1647 errors should include a timestamp and/or request ID so that they can be correlated with server logs code-frontend assigned davidsarah defect major
#1652 pyfilesystem tahoe-lafs mounted with fuse does not handles fs.errors.StorageSpaceError code-frontend new nobody defect major
#1731 httplib.BadStatusLine exception occurred once in 10000 "tahoe put"s to the same SDMF writecap code-frontend new davidsarah defect major
#1811 9P frontend code-frontend new enhancement major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.