Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Owner Type Priority
#358 WUI can make an <a href> tag with no contents code-frontend-web 1.6.0 defect minor
#676 WebAPI: POST /uri/cap//?t=mkdir creates directory with no name code-frontend-web 1.6.0 defect minor
#817 inconsistent Recent Operations Status - Done/Finished code-frontend-web 1.6.0 defect minor
#381 web set_children needs to be documented code-frontend-web 1.6.0 zooko defect major
#533 wapi: add mkdir-with-children code-frontend-web 1.6.0 enhancement major
#927 t=set_children uses an underscore, when all other webapi commands use hyphens code-frontend-web 1.6.0 davidsarah defect major
#931 show ?-IMM and ?-RO for immutable and read-only unknown nodes in directory listings code-frontend-web 1.6.0 davidsarah enhancement major
#919 hitting the "create directory" button in the WUI gives an error code-frontend-web 1.6.0 nobody defect critical
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.