Ticket #937: irclog.txt

File irclog.txt, 5.2 KB (added by Bryan Larsen, at 2010-02-06T18:51:24Z)
1 <Guest50815> hello everybody:  I'm having trouble creating an introducer.   The logs tell me the config file is missing the [client]introducer.furl entry.  This seems to be a chicken-egg type problem.
2[11:20] <secorp> When you run an introducer, it automatically generates the introducer.furl
3[11:20] <secorp> So, are you getting the error when trying to run the introducer?
4[11:20] <Guest50815> yes
5[11:20] <Guest50815> To construct an introducer, create a new base directory for it (the name of the directory is up to you), cd into it, and run "path-to-the-tahoe-bin-directory/tahoe create-introducer .". Now run the introducer using "tahoe run .". After it starts, it will write a file named introducer.furl in that base directory. This file contains the URL the other nodes must use in order to connect to this introducer.
6[11:21] <Guest50815> I think I'm following these directions...
7[11:21] <secorp> Yes, those look right
8[11:21] <secorp> 1 sec, let me run through an installation with that step
9[11:22] <Guest50815> blarsen@blarsen:~$ rm -rf tahoe
10[11:22] <Guest50815> blarsen@blarsen:~$ mkdir tahoe
11[11:22] <Guest50815> blarsen@blarsen:~$ cd tahoe
12[11:22] <secorp> Ok, so, when I run through that
13[11:22] <Guest50815> blarsen@blarsen:~/tahoe$ ~/build/allmydata-tahoe-1.6.0/bin/tahoe create-introducer .
14[11:22] <Guest50815> Introducer created in .
15[11:22] <Guest50815> b
16[11:23] <Guest50815> blarsen@blarsen:~/tahoe$ ~/build/allmydata-tahoe-1.6.0/bin/tahoe run -C .
17[11:23] <Guest50815> t then just returns
18[11:24] <Guest50815> and logs/tahoesvc.log contains  allmydata.node.MissingConfigEntry: /home/blarsen/tahoe/tahoe.cfg is missing the [client]introducer.furl entry in its last line
19[11:24] <secorp> Can you try the following
20[11:24] <Guest50815> and I don't see an introducer.furl
21[11:24] <secorp> right
22[11:24] <secorp> Try this
23[11:25] <secorp> $ tahoe create-introducer test_introducer_directory
24[11:25] <secorp> $ tahoe start test_introducer_directory
25[11:25] <secorp> Note the two differences, using a name for the directory and using "start", not "run"
26[11:26] <secorp> Which platform are you on?
27[11:26] <Guest50815> introducer node probably started
28[11:26] <Guest50815> and furl created
29[11:26] <secorp> Cool, I'll try out the steps that you first tried and see why they broke
30[11:27] <secorp> I have a feeling that it's something to do with using "." as the target directory
31[11:27] <secorp> Thanks for trying it out
32[11:27] <secorp> Now that you have a running introducer
33[11:27] <Guest50815> ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10.   Broke both using the Karmic ubuntu install, a 1.5 easy_install on 9.04 and a 1.6 build on 9.04
34[11:27] <secorp> You can use:
35[11:27] <secorp> $ tahoe create-client node01
36[11:28] <secorp> Then, copy the introducer.furl contents into node01/tahoe.cfg
37[11:28] <secorp> and then
38[11:28] <secorp> $ tahoe start node01
39[11:29] <secorp> Yeah, ubuntu karmic is one of our standard platforms, so I should be able to replicate it
40[11:29] <secorp> one sec
41[11:30] <secorp> Also, if you edit the test_introducer_directory/tahoe.cfg
42[11:30] <secorp> you can configure a web port for it to be available on
43[11:30] <secorp> and then if you hit that with a browser, you can see the status and connections of the introducer
44[11:30] <secorp> Here's an example
45[11:31] <secorp> (1 sec while I dig up the url)
46[11:35] <secorp> http://secorp.net:9125/
47[11:35] <secorp> I just brought that up
48[11:35] <secorp> Now I'll start up a couple nodes on it
49[11:37] <Guest50815> got a "connected to introducer" from a client node after fixing my firewall
50[11:38] <secorp> Cool
51[11:38] <secorp> if you hit: http://secorp.net:9125/
52[11:38] <secorp> I just brought up a 3-node grid
53[11:38] <secorp> That's the introducer
54[11:39] <kpreid> boingboing commenter says: “Could this be a "mojonation" that's workable?”
55[11:39] <kpreid> Someone answer that?
56[11:39] <Guest50815> can anybody connect to my introducer now?   They can't get at my files, but they could store their own files on it, right?
57[11:40] <secorp> If your introducer is publicly accessible, then people who guess the furl can get to it
58[11:41] <secorp> that is very difficult to guess
59[11:41] <Guest50815> ight, that looks pretty hard to guess.  :)
60[11:41] <Guest50815> thanks very much for your help!
61[11:41] <secorp> You'd have to guess a string like: thpthripvmzdh7vz4bapyoezxfludmpy
62[11:41] <secorp> That's cool that you got it up and working
63[11:41] <secorp> Let us know what you do with it (if anything)
64[11:42] <Guest50815> friendnet backup
65[11:42] <Guest50815> is the plan
66[11:42] <secorp> We have this IRC channel, and also there is a tahoe-dev mailing list
67[11:42] <secorp> Cool
68[11:42] <secorp> http://allmydata.org has the details on the mailing list
69[11:43] <Guest50815> perhaps  http://allmydata.org/source/tahoe/trunk/docs/running.html should be fixed
70[11:43] <secorp> Let me look at it, 1 sec
71[11:44] <secorp> I will follow the directions and see what breaks, then fix the doc
72[11:44] <secorp> Thanks for finding that
73[11:49] <Guest50815> as you said, it's either the "." or the use of "run" instead of "start"
74[11:50] <secorp> Cool, I am getting the same error
75[11:50] <secorp> It's the "tahoe run ." that is not working for some reason
76[11:51] <secorp> I'll change the docs, and then we can try to figure out why that isn't working