[tahoe-dev] Duplicati and a NAS for Tahoe?

Saint Germain saintger at gmail.com
Sun May 27 21:02:29 UTC 2012

On Sat, 26 May 2012 17:11:00 -0400, "cardsw at critical.com"
<cardsw at critical.com> wrote :

> "Paul Grunwald" <pgrunwald at comcast.net> wrote --
> > ...
> > http://www.duplicati.com/
> > Anyone using it?
> > ...
> Yes, on my wife's Windows Vista PC, with mixed results.
> Tahoe must be launched separately from Duplicati: the latter can use
> the former as a store but has no provisions AFAIK for starting the
> former as a service.
> I took the easy route and created a couple of DOS .BAT files to
> start/stop Tahoe;
> I don't know how to automatically run them on Windows boot (vs user
> login).
> So Duplicati fails when Tahoe is not running (obviously), which leads
> to lingering consequences: I have Duplicati configured to make a
> weekly full backup followed by a series of daily incrementals; as
> soon as one of these fails, everything fails until the next full
> backup.
> With a bit more effort on my part it would probably run cleanly. And
> yes, I tested restoring from a Duplicati / Tahoe / LEA / AWS backup,
> it worked fine.


How is the deduplication feature of tahoe-LAFS performing in this case ?
I understand that tahoo only deduplicate on a file level, but if you
are using Duplicati (for Windows I don't see other choices to manage
locked files), is it also working if a file doesn't change or is moved ?

Does Duplicati store directly to tahoe or is there some kind of cache ?


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