[tahoe-dev] Downloading file range

Brian Warner warner at lothar.com
Wed Oct 20 15:18:28 UTC 2010

On 10/20/10 5:53 AM, slush wrote:
> Hi,
> I found that TahoeLAFS solves support for "Range" header with
> downloading whole file from grid and then returning a subset of original
> file. Is that because downloading just of small piece of file is
> impossible in Tahoe by it's design or just because nobody
> ask/implemented partial downloads from grid better?

This was fixed in 1.8.0 (at least for immutable files) by my
"new-downloader" project. The new code only downloads the segments
(typically 128KiB each) that overlap the range you requested.

Tahoe's file-encoding scheme was specifically designed to make it
efficient to download individual segments with minimal overhead (about
0.5%, if I remember rightly), but up until 1.8.0, we hadn't gotten
around to taking advantage of it.


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