[tahoe-dev] GSoC Idea: Cloud app - Music player

Zooko O'Whielacronx zookog at gmail.com
Sat Apr 3 22:54:26 PDT 2010

Hello Josip Lisec:

I'm glad you are interested in applying for GSoC with the Tahoe-LAFS
project this summer. Your idea for a project is really interesting!

(For your information, you have until April 9 at 19:00 UTC to submit
your proposal. See the GSoC timeline [1] and the visual representation
thereof [2].)

Here are a few quick thoughts about your idea:

1. Can you even DO THAT in Javascript? Clearly you're going to need a
Mentor who knows more about Javascript than I do. :-)

2. http://libre.fm could be an interesting source of code to share,
ideas, and cooperation from other programmers.

3. Oh, also check this cool thing out: http://hyper-metrix.com/open-source/jai

4. Also there are already at least three Javascript libraries which
provide at least partial Tahoe-LAFS features. One is by Nathan Wilcox
and is named "tahoewapijs". I'm not sure if there are any extant
copies of tahoewapijs on the Net. I'm carbon-copying Nathan Wilcox to
ask if he has a copy. The second is by Toby Murray and is called
"Tahoe Explorer": [3]. The third is by myself and is called
TahoePlugin.js [4]. It is a plugin for TiddlyWiki and is not a
"general purpose" Tahoe-LAFS library (yet).

Someone (possibly you) should update our RelatedProjects page [5] to
mention these Javascript libraries.

Okay the next step is for you to submit a Project Proposal on
http://socghop.appspot.com . Please go ahead and fill out the
application and submit it to the GSoC site because you can always
update it after you've initially submitted it. We can edit it and
improve it "in place" and then we don't have to worry about missing
the deadline.



[1] http://socghop.appspot.com/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2010/timeline
[2] http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_mRuBILD0TjI/S6tGHR4mM3I/AAAAAAAACbw/tftJozZHs-0/s1600/gsoc10timeline.JPG
[3] http://allmydata.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2010-March/004138.html
[4] http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tiddly_on_tahoe/browser/tahoe_tiddly/TahoePlugin.js
[5] http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/wiki/RelatedProjects

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